
Showing posts from February 14, 2023

Frisian Valentine

Happy Valentines everybody!❤️❤️❤️ Have a great day! And please remember this is a day not only for romantic love. All kinds of love and friendships deserve to be celebrated too! So to make sure you get the message, here is my Valentine gift to you! Feel free to take a screenshot, download, or whatever. Big virtual hugs from Norway! This pattern is designed by me. It is done on 28 count un-bleached linen with DMC Perle Cotton no 5. The colours are hot pink variegated thread no 4200, medium pink no 894 and peach no754. Please feel free to use whatever colours you like! I do me, you do you ❤️ For this pattern you need to know satin stitch, whipped back-stitch, eyelets over six threads and Algerian eyelets over four threads. Work the square first, stopping at the corners to do swirls and eyelets. Work the large star n the middle and all the hearts along the outside of the square. Do the remaining swirls and finish the rest of the eyelets